terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Seven adult migrants suspected of raping 10-year-old Finnish girl 

The police are investigating a serious sexual assault in Oulu of a child. So far, seven foreign men are suspected of seriously raping the young girl and serious child molestation.

The cruel rapes and assaults have been going on for months. According to the police, it is possible that there will be more suspects.

The men raped a 10-year-old Finnish girl. Several newspapers have written about the case, including Iltalehti, Ilta-Sanomat and MTV.

Chief Inspector Markus Kiiskinen says that there may be more suspected perpetrators in the rape tangle. The suspects are mainly between 20 and 30-years-old. One of the men is 38-years-old. The seven men were arrested on Wednesday last week.

Recently, five Afghans gang raped and humiliated a 19-year-old Finnish girl in Seinäjoki in western Finland. The girl felt so badly afterwards that she wanted to take her life."

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