quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Adult Afghan sexually assaults young girl in Belgium ‘because of Ramadan’

A 25-year-old Afghan has been found guilty by the court of Mechelen for sexually assaulting a minor in Lier, Belgium.

At the station in Lier, the adult man saw the young girl and sexually assaulted her. He pinched the little girl’s buttocks, licked and kissed her and grabbed her between her legs.

The man said he “was frustrated by the strict rules of the Ramadan [Islamic holy month]”.

“My client didn’t had control over his sexual urges, he comes from a land where sex is a taboo and he was never informed about girls and women at home.

The court sentenced the man to a suspended sentence of 10 months without conditions as he doesn’t speak the language."

Notas pessoais:

Eis a merdocracia em todo o seu esplendor… E já pouco falta para que os pedófilos se 'identifiquem' como menores, e portanto deixa de haver crime de pedofilia… É só mais uns aninhos de democracia…

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