sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Sweden ‘silently’ prepares for Ebola outbreak and builds isolation unit for Ebola patients 
(Ebola emergency training in Italy)

The deadly and highly contagious Ebola disease was previously a concern for a few countries in Central Africa. Today, as a result of globalisation and extensive migration, and the biological terrorist plan aka "Kalergi Plan", countries occupied(zog) such as Sweden are also at risk of being hit by the dreaded epidemic.
(The question of Third-World Immigration…)

The preparedness for an epidemic has been extremely poor in Sweden, but will now be somewhat better since the University Hospital in Malmö is building an isolation unit for ebola patients, national broadcaster SVT reports.

In the Southern Healthcare Region, there is concern about inadequate preparedness. It is not a question of if, but when, a new epidemic erupts, head of operations, Maria Josephson at Skåne University Hospital, states."

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