sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Danish doctor warns: Vegan food may lead to mental retardation

Chief physician Allan M. Lund at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen warns that vegan food can have severe consequences, such as epilepsy and ultimately developmental disorders.
In Denmark, there is now a debate about the suitability of an increasing number of families giving their children only vegan food. Critics are opposed to scrapping all animal products in small children’s diet.

The problem is that poor food, which for example requires the addition of vitamin B12, can have serious consequences for children. And as a result several children on a vegan diet have been treated at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.

“Such a diet may involve developing different brain symptoms. With muscle weakness, poor contact and epilepsy. And in the long term mental retardation”, says chief physician Allan M. Lund to TV4.

According to Lund, one should not completely remove meat, eggs and dairy products from small children’s diet without first consulting with a dietician.

In addition to developmental disorders, it can also cause nutritional deficiencies."

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