quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Everyone is equal to everyone, and therefore all should vote - one vote each one...
Everybody is equal, so everybody is wise and smart - which is the same thing like saying: Everything is art!
But great wisdom and master art, are rare to find; and this is common-sense… Because if everything were equal, words like "worst" and "best", both would have no logic or sense…

And then a few of (((them))), disguised as humanists and philanthropists; say you are right, but the dogma of democracy is a "moral imperative" in order to finish "discrimination"...
But those who preaching that, are calling all of us by "goyim"... And with this argument of yours, they can't have any refutation…

(((They))) were just bitten by their own narrative...
Aryan Gods are by your side Noble men and Noble women...
You just have to believe…
-999NS POETRY999

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