sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2019

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

Where is the Truth? And what is real?
None of these questions bother the so-called "modern man" listening to the fake-media in Mcdonald's while eating a happy meal…

How God speak to us? There is just one God, or various racial and ethnic Gods?
None of these questions bother the liberal because he promotes atheism… While at the same time he worships devalued paper-money in a mindset of perpetual masochism…

He says also he's "a man of science"; and then start to quote Al Gore… While at the same time denies scientific irrefutable evidences that some racial groups have less intelligence potential, and others have more…

And then a magnitude of overwhelming disgraces and misfortunes strike his country or nation...
And how he reacts? With vigils with other lemmings showing posters saying: "Pray for(________)"

Is it so incomprehensible why we choose NS misanthropy over mass-democracy? It's our only way to avoid this plague of mass-stupidity…

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