segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

They say you are not "open-minded", just because you don't agree with them...
But every time their dogmas are challenged by you, their only responses are constant repetition of meaningless slogans and phrases kinda like verbal spam...
They call you ignorant, despite you refute them with no chance in both your Native language, and English if it's necessary...
The reason they insult, censor and ostracized you, is simply because for them, your spirit and mind are scary...
What have the greater value, is what money cannot buy...
The Noble male is not for sale… Nor is the Noble female...
You are like me, and I am like you... So let me call you "my"...

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Aceito qualquer debate, desde que se fale verdade.
Isto não é um blog democrata, nem nenhuma juventude partidária democrata onde se treina desde cedo o uso da mentira como retórica política para enganar os Portugueses.
Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.