Older Aryan people are left to die in zog-USA "for the sake of GDP"... "They are a social burden" - the (((capitalist))) says... His argument: "They are too old to produce"... As if the many thousands(or millions?) of non-Aryan youths Welfare's parasites produce or had produce...
It's just a false excuse! It's just a false excuse! Of professional demagogues and liars who have made the Wall Street their muse… Called themselves the champions of "humanism", but nothing for the elder except a coffin and a shove... Hail the $$$$, in a society without Aryan honour or love… The (((capitalist))) convinced himself he will escape Divine punishment, because he thinks is so smart and so bold... But he forgets, that Odin/Wotan, is also an Old…
-999NS POETRY999
It's just a false excuse! It's just a false excuse! Of professional demagogues and liars who have made the Wall Street their muse… Called themselves the champions of "humanism", but nothing for the elder except a coffin and a shove... Hail the $$$$, in a society without Aryan honour or love… The (((capitalist))) convinced himself he will escape Divine punishment, because he thinks is so smart and so bold... But he forgets, that Odin/Wotan, is also an Old…
-999NS POETRY999
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