My beloved Nation, my beloved Greece...
It was you who gave birth to the concept of muse...
The archetype of a Goddess, of a Mother, and of a Miss…
It was you who gave birth to the concept of muse...
The archetype of a Goddess, of a Mother, and of a Miss…
My beloved Nation, my beloved Greece...
It was you who gave birth to philosophy...
The truly divine way to achieve National bliss…
It was you who gave birth to philosophy...
The truly divine way to achieve National bliss…
Oh Father of the sky, Oh my Father Zeus...
This land only belong to us, and not to the jews…
This land only belong to us, and not to the jews…
My beloved Nation, my beloved Greece...
Let the Ultra National pride spread once more...
Let Greece be glorious again, by the hands of the Ultras Nationalists Hardcore…
Let the Ultra National pride spread once more...
Let Greece be glorious again, by the hands of the Ultras Nationalists Hardcore…
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