sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2021

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Democrats fabricating fake-data like spiders making their webs and ties... Werewolf falling angels from different Aryan skies... The weight of Truth is stronger than of the Lie; because True love, can only be love without lies...
The storm is coming, with Vénus behind a cloud...
Many tongs, many lips, but if all them lie; only one, is worthy to kiss her mouth... The one who refuse to give to democrats the other cheek... The one whose soul is nor corrupted nor sick... The one who do not blaspheme against Vénus calling female to a fucking queer... The one who refuse to be nailed to a cross, but choose instead a sword or an axe or a spear...

Democracy, is a hell without real love...
Christianity, a heaven without real revenge...
Different smells, but none of them is my scent...
And so, you become dissident...
There is another way...there is another path...
Where you are my other half, and your other half is me... 
Love and Life to the ones like us...
...and Death to liberals and the pedophiles of lgbt...

I'm the conquerer of your soul... 
I'm the master of your mind...
You like it...and so you don't mind...
Because I'm the one you searched, but never find...
I'm the only one, of your true kind...
You know it, and I know it too...
I want to rule... And I want you too...
-999NS POETRY999

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