segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2021

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

They asked for your faith in democracy... In return, they promess that you would be free... But the pain you have in your back with the current tax-rate, it feels like carrying a giant stone while they lynch you with a whip... While proclaiming at the same time "self-determination" of women, and speaking against practices of "slavery"...just another very sad democratic-irony...

A lot of words, but few or none meaning... Because they always do the opposite what they preaching... A never ending deceiving by lower democratic men, with egos bigger than a king... But now you are "represented" in social life like never before...but even in the miss beauty contest of your Nation, the recent winners have a different blood and a different skin... Be pride of yourself they said, but also...racial pride is a sin...

You feel all these as very odd... 
As something is substantially missing... As something is deeply wrong... Like a Nation without True Masters and a Native God...

But now everyone can express themselves, because everyone has an opportunity thanks to the (((mainstream media))) to the hall of fame... Now everyone to everybody has a name...but with a cost of their own true personality, an exchange that does not feel to you a fair game... Everyone is special...but at the same time, in terms of spirit and ideas, they all look to you the same... Self-doubt leads you thinking, that maybe, are not sane...

Surrounded by people like never before; yet, you feel lonely with grief and sorh... The more democratic people talk to you, the lesser you want more... Like an internal transformation of your soul and spirit, in a process of endure... A selective misanthropy flourishing inside yourself like a defence mechanism eradicating all your weakness making you Hardcore...

Tears dropping in your face like Autumn rain... Not of just sadness, but mostly of joy, like purified water washing all the unnecessary pain... Now you can really see... Now you can really think... And now you know...that you were never crazy, but sane... You were not true lonely as you think you were... I was always there for you, lifting your consciousness like a divine crane... Cause your eyes are too beautiful for throwing them sand...I never deceived you like them... And your Rebirth...will be their end...

I'm your light...
I'm your darkness...
I'm your grey...
The real choice of your life...
It's me...or they...

Um comentário:

  1. Tradicional, Futurista, Vertical, Underground, Hardcore, Radical, Dissidente, Nacional Revolucionário.


Não são aceites comentários que usem a mentira como contra-argumentação.
Aceito qualquer debate, desde que se fale verdade.
Isto não é um blog democrata, nem nenhuma juventude partidária democrata onde se treina desde cedo o uso da mentira como retórica política para enganar os Portugueses.
Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.