segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2021

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

To the original roots of the date...
Where the Sacred wisdom, was revelead in terms of fate...
Like a boat in the Astral World, permitted to navigate...
A sacred Aryan Celtic tradition, that only a few understand, but many want to distort and appropriate...
Rivers of Noble blood of the ancient deads, in the occult World where there is no Semitic god, nor satan...
To the original roots of the Celtic Shaman...
We know what you know...but you don't know what we know... For those who do not respect tradition, the ancient Wisdom do not grow... He is the eagle, and she is the crow... Understanding the Cosmos from above, and not from below...

Celtic Poets, carrying the Sacred words...
Celtic Warriors, carrying the Sacred swords...
From Atlântida to Lusitânia... From Lusitânia to distant parts of the World... Both warm and cold... Both prudent and bold... The Ancient Celtic Gnosis is only achieved, by those whose their souls to zog did not sold...

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