sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2021

Entretanto na Bélgica...

"Belgian court rules COVID pass illegal in Wallonia

Region’s representatives did not appear in court to argue case due to public holidays

A court in Belgium’s Wallonia region has ruled that use of a COVID pass is illegal and ordered the local government to pay a daily fine of €5,000 ($5,658) until they withdraw the measure, local media reported Wednesday. 

Namur city’s Court of First Instance ruled Tuesday that use of the COVID Safe Ticket (CST) was illegal in the Wallonia region.

According to the judgment, rules requiring everyone to show their CST before entering cafés, restaurants, gyms and cultural venues were curbing individual freedoms in a disproportionate way which does not serve the goal they pursue."

 Notas pessoais:

Ainda há Juízes e Juízas decentes... Fica o bom exemplo.

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