sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2021

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

 "That this return of modern man to nature, which in certain cases brings him even to a kind of infatuation, might be accompanied by a distension, by a reinvigoration, and almost to a biological galvanization—that therefore this revolution might appear as positive and desirable on the large scale to those for whom a species of animal husbandry exhausts the essence of human development—all of this is comprehensible, but does not in the least touch the core of the matter. Delusions might emerge here only if one agrees not to consider man on the basis of the values of personality, but on the basis of his “nerves” and his physical organism, both the one and the other which are more or less ruined in the life of modern cities, and needful of reintegration and biological compensations."
-Julius Evola

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