segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

On the (((right))), the major concern of man are the financial markets, like a soulless technocrat.... On the (((left)))), a hypocritical man speaking of "humanism" and "freedom", while defending the ideology of Holodomor and Gulag... Different sides, different rhetorics, but both controlled by the jew... Constantly asking for your faith, but none of them are really concerned with you... Difference speeches, different styles, but none of them carrying the Truth... Constantly asking for your commitment, but none of them really loves you... Constantly betraying you over and over and over and over again, and all they do is mourn... So I ask you again my dear; how long for you to embrace our NS? How long for you to become sworn?

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