segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Your grandfather humiliated by kalergi hordes in his own street... Your girlfriend and your sister raped by another kalergi creep... "Diversity is our strength" says BBC, CNN and SIC... Calling Radical Nationalists the "hateful people", and themselves "the lover ones" - the same old democratic song... Democratic Nation is like a woman who says "I love you Gaulish man", but her kiss, is always without tongue... "We are all human", so we are equal... But rackets of tennis are different from rackets of ping-pong... Equality is, was, and always will be a false God... And you are current in the wrong mod... Hail democracy=Gaulish men and Gaulish women being robbed, humiliated, beaten, raped and genocided by zog... The problem is not me or us, but you...
As long you keep being tolerant to the filthy jew...

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