terça-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Preaching against "sexism" by the mouth of Chris Cuomo... Preaching against "imperialism" while supporting the Globohomo... Preaching against "injustice" while robbing the working class with massive rate of tax, which is just a kind of 'legal' theft... Preaching lectures of "morality" while supporting moral-relativism... Who Am I? I am the Left... I am the Left... I am the Left...

Preaching against "toxic masculinity" while saying "we are equal to Men"... Preaching "Trust the Science" while ignoring the diary of Anne Frank was written with a 
non-existing at that time Bic model of pen... Preaching about Human Rights while at the same time trying to censorship different opinions in Twitter and trying to shut down their accounts of PayPal... Who Am I? I am the Feminist and Liberal... I am the Feminist and Liberal... I am the Feminist and Liberal...

Preaching against Islam while arming and financing islamic terrorists in Syria against Assad... Preaching "individual freedoms" while mass-spying the citizen through his iPhone and his iPad... Preaching against the Thirld Word parasits in Welfare... Heavily indebted USA by sending trilions of dollars to Israel and I don't care... Preaching "Patriarchy" while abandoning entire generations of Aryans kids and youths like a father who abandoned his son... Who Am I? 
I am the NeoCon... I am the NeoCon... I am the NeoCon...

Hail zog! Hail zog! Hail zog!
The jew is the scorpion and we are the frog!
Hail zog! Hail zog! Hail zog! 

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