segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

 Aryan Order will reign again under the Black Sun...
Where the unique, have more value than many equals in large sum... Devotion of Honor and Truth, and rejection of dishonor and lies... No more fake-gods praised by the ignorants and stupids, who foolishly raise them to the skies... No more fake and plastic society where the archetypes of this rotten world, are the famous and whores of jet-set... No more subversion of the Natural Order, where any low-life democratic politician give orders to a special green/blue/red/black berret... No more the Native people living in their own ancestors' Nation, like cattle in cages... Hail the coming Aryan Order - The Aryan Warriors, The Aryan Priests, The Aryan Witches, And The Aryan Sages...
I am the seed... I am the creed... I am your expected one... You carry the belly... I carry the sacred cum... And together, we are one...killing democracy, with massive joy and fun...

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