sábado, 21 de maio de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

 So many think tanks, but so little great thinking... Democratic politicians portraying themselves like great captains in the middle of a storm, while the ship is sinking... Confusing about their own gender, but somehow, capable of resolving the major crisis of the economy... Oh, the irony! Blaiming the "Racists", the "Nazis", the "Fascists", and so on; but none of them were and are in charge... Treating the American people like millions of Homer and Marge... The more democratic the state, the lower is your wage, and the greater are the taxes and your bill... Antifa, BLM, Feminists and further useful idiots of zog portraying themselves as "rebels against the system", but all they give you is the 'blue pill'...

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