domingo, 8 de maio de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Since Atlantis to Hyperborea, ancient priests of the Master race communicating to the Master Aliens through the higher consciousness and their _____ psique... Unknown spaceships astounding like the Aryan beauty of Maria Orsic... The ancient knowledge of the Divine Path, the path of Divine Creativity... The antithesis of communism, because if the archetype of the Master God is a Creator, and communism destroys and suppresses human Creativity, therefore, such is an anti-divine ideology... And does not matter if it's now combined with orthodox christianity - even speaking in the name of "God"(which one?) to gain some sort of legitimacy... Subhumans don't get it, not just retrogressive communists but also liberals, because they do not love philosophy... Liberal propaganda subverted their minds, close them while ironically they claim themselves "open-minded" persons, but all they think and speak, is only the repetition of politicians' and media's demagogy... This in the occupied West(zog), because in the occupied East(zog) it is far worse - "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." is the new motto of Putin's state Tv...

Liberals blind with the fucking "D"(of democracy)...
Neo-bolsheviks blind with the fucking "Z"...
But was in the letter "N" a triple "I" I managed to see, the secret of Divine Unity... I is the nine letter of the alphabet, and three of them makes "999" their 3 points which make the "3 eyes" - the ancient Atlantis' and Hyperborea's code and sign... An esoteric Divine image that the Master Aliens and Aryan Gods shared with me...
And NOW, I share it with thee...

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