domingo, 23 de outubro de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Enter the subway after a long and exhausting day of work... Feeling everyday physically tired and emotional depressed, reflecting about these achievements of "feminist liberation", contrary to what you've been told, they seem from a very different type and sort... No time for preparing a home-cooked meal, another dinner eating crappy fast-food... A never ending daily-depression, which inevitably influence your current daily-mood... As if all this wasn't enough and too much to handle, a third-world Antifa approaches you with the objective to steal you and rape... Alone in extreme danger, with no Alpha Aryan men by your side and around, the concept of "feminist liberation and independence", in practice it means "no escape"... Jewish propaganda of Feminism was nothing than a major trap...a deceitful fairytale deprived of true reality that you naivelly swallowed like bait... Free-will in the past determined your fate...

Fake-media, or my 999NS999 Poetry...
Jewish propaganda, or my Wisdom and Philosophy...
You can only choose one...
If you chose the jew...
You never won...

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