quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2023

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

 Your European ancestors fought bloody wars in the past, suffered great hunger, great cold, severe injuries, and an endless number of sacrifices for centuries in order to preserve and guarantee their genetic legacy... And what was your form of gratitude? You sold your soul to the Jew and democracy... And now in tears you complain... In a 
never-ending pain... You turned your back on the defenders of your race... You were a star of a fake-society, with 
fake-smiles, with a lot of glamour, but with a serious lack of authenticity and grace... You chose jewish materialism and their subversive movement of feminism... And now you complain dead by inside, the unbelievable lack of humanism... Money can be printed, but souls cannot... And now you are too old, and it's too late to turn back the clock... And you even reached to the point to propagate their biological terrorism through their vaccine... By free-will, you decided to betray your own kin... And now the corpses of the ones you loved more, are dead displayed in a giant shelf... God(s) didn't even need to punish you for your great betrayal... You punished yourself...

But you're not at all the only one... Giant ego and the illusion of a crown... Millions of liberal women queens in their mirrors, but in real-life nothing but a Jews' stupid pawn... Jews can print money, but they cannot print a soul... You chose the side of the Jew, so now is totally your fault... 
Free-will was, is, and always will be a human's character test... And now, you're reaping its manifest...

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