terça-feira, 10 de outubro de 2023

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

You do not have to be a Muslim to respect other Muslim. So long that specific Muslim respects you and your culture as an European Pagan Arianist in your Native land, you can also respect him and his culture in his Native land, evenmore if his worldview shares same values like you such as:
-Pro-tradicional family
-Truth as the ultimate goal of human consciousness
-Freedom of speech
-Respect for private property
-Respect for all kinds of productive and positive work for the Nation and community
-High respect and nurture to human creativity

Not all Muslims are the same.
There are bad apples, and there are good apples.
Unlike the Jews, where all the apples are rotten.
-Radical Nationalism

2 comentários:

  1. https://twitter.com/Aceratus_Ascent/status/1711885058804490694

  2. Netanyahu's foreign Affairs Advisor:
    - We have been fighting a war in this region for 100 years, and Saturday's attacks are the worst.

    1- The Jews have created and are creating a regional and global problem.

    2- After a problem always comes a solution.

    3- The solution of creating two states will be a demand from the main regional powers, the main global players and even the masses.

    4- Jews will become increasingly surrounded and politically isolated globally.

    5- The pressure will be immense and will come from all corners of the world.

    6- Their brands and stores will be the target of boycotts -perhaps violence - around the world.

    7- Crypto-Jewish politicians, crypto-Jewish journalists, etc, will all begin to be identified by the population itself.

    8- Divine Justice will fall over them.


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Aceito qualquer debate, desde que se fale verdade.
Isto não é um blog democrata, nem nenhuma juventude partidária democrata onde se treina desde cedo o uso da mentira como retórica política para enganar os Portugueses.
Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.