terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2012

Eldritch Teutschland

  • There where the needle points North, there was the light so bright
  • the glowing light of Gotos Spirit
  • Spirit submerged to the depths
  • of energy and matter
  • and so Got-Spirit, the Spirit-I is awakened in blood
  • And thus Got himself is able to recognize.
  • The children of Teut piously cared for this light
  • Ancestral Energy still pounds in our Teutonic blood
  • It commands us to struggle, to fight for our blood wisdom
  • We do not want to be without our Teutonic wisdom
  • it shall again be proclaimed how Gotos' creative power
  • brought the wealth of ideas to the children of Teut!
  • The spirit of the eye of Gotos'
  • full of light and energy, will then rest
  • upon Gotos' folk -the Teutonics- and upon their science!
  • Germanic land can never sink into corruption!
  • We always carry the Spirit and world of Gotos over every land
  • And Energy-Matter are in a fixed bond...

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