sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Mentalidade...Começa tudo por aqui...

"I am a Woman ... 
   I live in an era where diversities tend to be crashed. The trick of capitalism that goes by the name of "feminism" does a good job for years, altering my values. 
I am a woman but I am an awakened woman. I oppose the disorientation and follow my own internal commands. 
  I respect my nature and my individuality. I don't have the vanity to get the peculiarities of males because I'm a female. I have my own peculiarities and I honor them.
I respect my own unique personality and do not allow anyone to alter it. I in no case, however, confuse personality with individualism or narcissism. 
I respect my body and do not obey the dictates of fashion that want me to look like a third class whore. I am fully aware of the higher purpose of my existence that is none other than to be a mother and an educator. I don't sacrifice this sacred altar of my nature for the myth called "career". But I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life for my nation.
 I am a proud descendant of Hypatia and Clea, Savvaina and Laskarina. I am a wife and a companion, a mother and a warrior.

 I am a Greek National Socialist woman." 

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