“Accordingly, the Judeo-American rationalization of
historical process precludes the reassessment of America’s own national
or racial past, and in addition, it contributes to the “desertification”
of American society. This disenchantment with Nature started with the
biblical notion of Creation. The Judaic rationalization of religious
life, which was adopted by the early Puritans, stems from the
ultra-rational character of Mosaic and Talmudic laws, which were
incorporated into American legalism and the so-called rule of law. More
than in any other monotheistic religion, Americanism, similar to
Judaism, has rationalized (and imposed the formulas) for all aspects of a
man’s life, and this by means of a myriad of prescriptions, laws, and
interdictions. The excessive American legalism has thus resulted in the
desacralization of Nature and the devaluation of all cultural activity.
One may conclude that if European Americans are to stave off spiritual
anarchy, they would need to replace their monotheistic vision of the
world with a polytheistic vision of the world—which alone can guarantee
the “return of the Gods,” that is, the plurality of all values.”
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