A part of an interview with Ihor Zahrebelnyy, a member of “Tryzub” (“Trident”), philosopher, nationalist and publicist.
"- What do you think of the attitude of many Western nationalist movements and parties which are against
you and support Russia? Is it the end of any sense of belonging and
every perception of the sacred? Do we have to and are we still able to
have faith?
- Many Western nationalists led by their naivety support Russia. Being surrounded by totalitarian liberalism they want to believe that there is a nationalist and conservative government somewhere in the world which is in strong opposition to the USA and the EU. They do not know that multiculturalism is a usual phenomenon in Russia. They reject the fact that there are as many Muslims in the streets of Moscow as in the streets of many European cities. They have no idea about Putin's regime which persecutes Russian nationalists in a rude manner. They do not even know how robust are the roots of liberalism concerning modern pop culture of Russia (in order to make sure it is true all you need to do is to watch modern Russian films which promote promiscuity, enrichment cult and many other bourgeois values). They do not understand that Russian imperialism makes numerous peoples of Eastern Europe approach the West. They just idealize Russia because they want to believe that there is a state in the world which meets at least some of their ideals.
Some time I feel the same because quite a lot of naive Ukrainians still idealize life in the EU. They want to believe that life is much better somewhere, that there are those countries where there is no corruption at all. The list can be endless… However, they do not realize that the EU membership leads to limitation of sovereignty, a fatal blow to our economy and adoption of destructive pseudo-values of Europe. When some of us (nationalists) distribute unmasking information about the EU, some of those who were expected to support us either do not understand these issues or just call us Moscow mercenaries. For instance, we can spread some information on gender policy, but ordinary inhabitants call it Moscow propaganda. Of course, we find some understanding. Sometimes we succeed in convincing people. However, there are those who honestly believe that the EU is the good and the United States are our friends. The same story with some Western nationalists who just do not want to take the reality as it is. But there is one good thing. I am pleased with the fact that many Western nationalists figured out what's really happening in Ukraine. They realized the following thing: all that Ukrainians want is life in a country where the word “fair” or “just” doesn’t awake sarcasm, and Ukrainian nationalists are opposed to the "brave new world" just as they are.
I do not know when a true nationalist revolution in Ukraine can be implemented. But I believe that when that happens, many of those European nationalists who are supporting Russia will realize how wrong they are."
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