"(T)he racial doctrine rejects the doctrine of
the environment, known to be an accessory to liberalism, to the idea of
humanity and to Marxism. These false doctrines have picked up on the
theory of the environment in order to defend the dogma of fundamental equality of all people.
Our position, when we claim that race exists as much in the body as in the spirit, goes beyond these two points of view. Race is a profound force manifesting itself in the realm of the body (race of the body) as in the realm of the spirit (race of the interior, race of the spirit).
In its full meaning the purity of race occurs when these two manifestations coincide; in other words, when the race of the body matches the race of the spirit and when it is capable of serving the most adequate organ of expression."
- Julius Evola
Our position, when we claim that race exists as much in the body as in the spirit, goes beyond these two points of view. Race is a profound force manifesting itself in the realm of the body (race of the body) as in the realm of the spirit (race of the interior, race of the spirit).
In its full meaning the purity of race occurs when these two manifestations coincide; in other words, when the race of the body matches the race of the spirit and when it is capable of serving the most adequate organ of expression."
- Julius Evola
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