"Society must be organised and structured to create orderly
processes of advancement. It must have a clearly defined hierarchy in
all societal activities; and hierarchy necessitates diversity —
otherwise it cannot distribute its individuals within the hierarchy.
This is why universalist-egalitarian societies fail to function
Modern politics rest on the idea that a long and comfortable life is
the highest value, something to be purchased even at the price of
dignity. Aristocratic politics is founded on the notion that honour is
the highest value, to be purchased even at the price of one’s life.
Hence, the spiritual aristocrat must be ready to die; he must conquer
his fear of death; he must even come to love death: for it is his
ability to choose death before dishonour that raises him above the mere
status of a clever animal. It is what makes him free: natural master
rather than natural slave. It is, ultimately, the foundation of all
forms of higher culture which involve the rejection, or subordination
and stylisation, of merely animal desire.
A natural slave is one who is willing to abandon his honour to save
his life. Hence, ‘modern politics — which exalts a long and prosperous
life as the highest value — is a form of spiritual slavery, even where
the external controls are merely soft commercial and political
incentives rather than chains and cages.’
'Aristocratism,' as a vital attitude, consists in bestowing value — in its proper sense — on things without price. Distinction, a sense of hierarchy: in short, what adds to life quality which is inappreciable in an egalitarian world — in that it cannot be appreciated quantitatively.
The political task of an aristocracy is to restore to its community
of reference a historical perspective — one capable of seizing the true
dynamics of history."
-Daniel S. Forrest
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