Mensagem+Imagem+Vídeo do dia.
“In the light of history it will ever be regarded as a
curious and temporary aberration of the human mind that great nations
should elect a government to do a job and should then elect an
opposition to stop them doing it. Fortunately, even in the wildest
excesses of this transient mania, this delusion never spread to the
business world, and no business man outside an asylum has yet been
observed to engage a staff of six to carry on the work of his firm, and
then to engage an additional staff of four to stop them doing their job.
Curious to posterity will appear the principle of creating at the same
time a government to do the nation’s work and an opposition to frustrate
it… Yet this extraordinary harlequinade, in which nothing serious, in
terms of the modern mind, is ever done, and little serious is even
discussed, is today represented as the only means of preserving the
liberties of the people.”
–Sir Oswald Mosley
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