"Pacifist believes that with his abdication he best serves the world. He believes that others will follow his abdication, and that if lay down their arms, the enemy will do the same.
Pacifism is the rejection of self-defense and confidence in the patronage of others. When people pay for something that protected our lives and our property is the last vertex to pacifist culture. On the contrary, to give his life for his own existence is, according to them, the most disgusting form of barbarism.
And just as pacifists manifest themselves in practice. Outside they paraded before crawling on his stomach, begging, screaming, licking his master's dusty boots and kiss his hand, which he punishes them; but domestic release their anger with the same zeal with which they are humiliated in front of the enemy in his own meanness and vulgarity. They are harmless in all the humiliations that make grin outside, while cooled their ardor in his cowardly political opponents. Out comes the password: "No more war!", But inside they sing: "Blood must flow!""
-Joseph Goebbels
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