"Capitalism and Marxism with its derivatives - is, in fact, the twin brothers who rebelled against the natural world order based on the principles of nature, killing the racial and ethnic foundations of nations, which leads to the depersonalization of man ascending the herd instinct, degeneration, moral decline, and intellectual weakness loss of will. All the notorious confrontation between capitalism and communism - in fact nothing more than a theatrical performance, designed to distract people from the national idea, redirecting their energies on mutual destruction by the "class struggle", thus weakening them and causing a parasitic power of big capital, striving for world domination above the mass of pseudo-people deprived of racial and ethnic uniqueness, intelligence, willpower and creativity, designed for rough and dirty work on a handful of oligarchs oppressors.
Through false media and intelligence agencies criminal oligarchic regimes imposes chimerical idea of multiculturalism and tolerance by suppressing any manifestation of national feeling among Europeans, seeking the destruction of European national identity, which will mean the actual destruction of European Aryan race.
MD stands on a solid foundation of cultural and racial unity of European Aryan race and has a clear and consistent program of building the future of society - a society of social justice and national freedom.
Join the ranks of the MD - marching with us, bringing echoes coming Victory!"
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