domingo, 3 de maio de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The sane person today would realise that action is unavoidable, just like a person who awakes to find their house burning down around them, knows they have to get themselves and their children out at all cost and leave their possessions behind, we must realize the severity of the situation we are in today, and of the fate that our children and descendants will suffer, if we don't do something. Like the person who must get his children out of the burning house realizes that everything he loves and cares about will be gone in minutes if he doesn't act, we must think of our children and grandchildren and the horrific fate that they will suffer at the hands of the savage subhumans that will become the majority in our countries if we allow this to continue. Think about the thousands of years of evolution that will be destroyed. When the lives and future of one's descendants are on the line, nothing is more important and urgent than protecting them at all cost. To any sane Aryan man or woman today, there should be no other issue on their mind than securing the future of their children and their race, so that their children and grandchildren can procreate with their own kind and keep them alive, and that all their descendants can inherit a healthy, happy, beautiful and safe world, which only our Aryan race can guarantee. We along with all other creatures in nature have been instructed not to live to consume, not to live just to enjoy ourselves, but to survive, to survive as a species, as a race, to ensure that our own kind lives on. Nothing else is more important, this is our only true purpose in life and we must be radical and uncompromising in order to achieve this goal given us by nature. If we have to chose between ourselves and our childrens' future, then we must chose our childrens' future every time, for they are the continuation of our race. Once we have children, and we have brought them up well, we will live on in them, so if we must give our lives to secure their existence, then we must. Better to die young like a warrior and live on in the blood of our descendants hundreds of years from now, than to die an old failure, tormented by the realization that our descendants are doomed. Better to be a martyr and a hero, loved forever by your comrades and thanked by generations to come for your bravery and dedication to them, than to die old and weak without having really lived, and forever disappearing into the abyss of the rightfully forgotten, those who have wasted their lives."
-William Pierce

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