quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.


A proper appreciation of National Socialism as a revolutionary phenomenon presupposes an accurate definition of terms, as well as an understanding of its role within a larger historical context. To regard revolution as synonymous with nihilism or bolshevism is puerile. True revolution is hardly the same as nihilism, which involves nothing more than destruction for destruction's sake, without an accompanying set of values. It is not bolshevism; in an age of degeneracy, upholding decency becomes a revolutionary act. It is more than rhetoric; any confidence man or opportunist can utter words. It is more than violent action, although such a development probably may attend the revolutionary process. It is more than a mere change of political regime by unconstitutional means. All of this is superficial.

By the term "revolutionary" we understand a commitment to radical change involving the introduction of a fundamentally different set of values."

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