"Let's begin with the egalitarian premise. It is necessary to state from the outset that the "immortal principle" of equality is sheer nonsense. There is no need to comment on the inequality of human beings from a naturalistic point of view. And yet the champions of egalitarianism make equality a matter of principle, claiming that while human beings are not equal de facto, they are so de jure: they are unequal, and yet should not be. Inequality is unfair; the merit and the superiority of the liberal idea allegedly consists of not taking into account, overcoming it, and acknowledging the same dignity in every man. Democracy, too, shares the belief in the "fundamental equality in anything that appears to be human."
I believe these are mere empty words. This is not a "noble ideal" but some-thing that, if taken absolutely, represents a logical absurdity; wherever this view becomes an established trend, it may usher in only regression and decadence."
-Julius Evola
-Julius Evola
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