sábado, 16 de maio de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"What we needs is hard-hearted young men with cold eyes willing to commit the necessary acts of violence the timid and the weak are not capable of doing so that they might be able to continue living in the comfort and security that they have come too take for granted.
Let us make no mistake, we are heading for very troubling, very violent times. Our salvation cannot and will not be achieved by pasty technocrats whose whole world is confined to a computer screen or some kind of political stage covered up by the media. We need to raise up the so called "expendable young male," give him a rifle and instill in him a love for his folk so that he may become the shield of his fatherland.

We are living in an Age where young men, who in any Traditional society would have been brought up to contribute something to his community or to the Imperium-- whether it would have been a guild, a military or religious Order, or even working on his family's homestead, are now being turned out into the streets in droves with debt they are unable to pay off with the degrees they earned and have nothing better to do than to occupy their time with drugs, social networking websites, videogames and pornography.

What is needed is to restore meaning into the lives of these young men, for whom the world has long since ceased to be beautiful, is a call to action that they can take up arms for and thereby finally be able to stand above the ruins of the modern world."

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