domingo, 24 de maio de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Modern man has not only to fight against materialism, but must also defend himself from the snares and allures of false supernaturalism.
His defense will be firm and effective only if he is capable of returning to the origins, of assimilating the ancient traditions, and then of relying upon the ascesis to carry out the task of reestablishing his inner condition. For it is through this that these traditions will reveal to him their deepest and perennially real content and show him, step by step, the path.

An evolutionary development of the world and of humanity is assumed in modern philosophy, and it is thought that even the soul should conform to this law and follow this development. 
There is no trace of such an idea in the teachings of any school of wisdom.

The direction in which we may find awakening and liberation, the direction of initiation, is vertical and has nothing to do with the course that history takes."
-Julius Evola

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