quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Why The System Must Be Destroyed 

The reality of the present is that we Aryans live under a Zionist Government of Occupation in a society which is dedicated to everything those of nobility and honour detest and dislike. This society is fundamentally anti-Aryan, as it has introduced tyrannical laws to take away the basic rights of Aryans – for instance, the right to carry weapons; the right to favour one’s own kind over aliens; the right to speak out in defence of one’s own kind and one’s own culture. This society is founded upon the Zionist hoax, or illusion, of ‘racial equality’, and each and every Government, whether of the ‘right’ or of the ‘left’ or any shade between, upholds this illusion as they try and have tried to force the Aryan majority to ‘integrate’ with the millions of non-Aryans which these Governments have allowed and encouraged to settle in Aryan countries. Furthermore, this present society of ours maintains another illusion, or hoax – that of ‘parliamentary democracy’. The reality, however, is that all the political parties, and thus any Government formed by one of them which wins an election, support the multi-racial, anti-Aryan System which has been created.

In addition, the powerful and secret minority behind the System created and propagated another hoax to condition, manipulate and control Aryans. This was the hoax of the Jewish ‘holocaust’. This hoax, this illusion, this ignoble lie of the holocaust has been used and is being used to create anti-Aryan multi-racial societies and to ruthlessly stamp out any and all opposition to the hoax of racial equality and to the System which has been created to tame, domesticate and control Aryans. This lie of the ‘holocaust’ has been used and is being used to brainwash Aryans from the cradle to the grave – to condition them to accept a multi-racial society, with all its “benefits”, and to condition them to reject their own Aryan culture and ignore the danger their own race is in.

The result of all this propaganda, manipulation and conditioning has been the creation of a profane society and a way of life which was and is anti-Aryan in essence.

One thing and only one thing can shatter these illusions and their bourgeois contentment. This is a revolutionary situation – for such a situation will force the majority to confront what is vital and important. It will force them to face the reality. It will deprive them of the comforts to which they have become accustomed and which have made them weak, and domesticated. In essence, the majority need to re-discover their basic Aryan instincts – their basic warrior heritage. They need to throw off the shallow, the pretentious, the illusive sociological and Marxist egalitarian ideas which Zionists have indoctrinated them with from birth. They need to become Aryan again – aware of the Aryan values of honour, duty and excellence, and aware of their Aryan heritage.

Our societies are now organized and maintained by petty vainly arrogant often cowardly Aryans who have never faced the severe test of combat – who have never had to prove themselves by facing a ‘life or death’ situation. Our societies are full of glib-talking, spineless people who have no understanding of honour and no understanding of their unique Aryan heritage. Indeed, the ‘role models’ which the secret Zionist minority have made for the people in these societies to follow and emulate, idealize such glib-talking spineless individuals and such petty vainly arrogant self-indulgent weak-willed cowards. These Zionist-manufactured idols are called ‘politicians’, ‘entertainers’, ‘film stars’, and ‘millionaires’.

In effect, the dross have been allowed to assume day to day control, and their worthless dishonourable standards and ignoble values are the values which drive and which maintain the whole worthless, dishonourable System. This System is so full of corrupt people and corrupt practices, and so maintained by illusive ignoble anti-Aryan ideas, that it will have to be totally destroyed and an entirely new start made. This can only mean a revolution.

We need to create a totally new society, based on Aryan ideals, as we need to nurture and produce Aryan individuals dedicated to Aryan values such as honour, duty and excellence. A large percentage of our fellow Aryans have now become so corrupt, or so maintained by anti-Aryan ideas and anti-Aryan values, that they are or have made themselves worthless. They have ceased to be Aryan, and live and act like non-Aryans, like the sub-humans they emulate and have become.

Our task it is to build a revolutionary army, dedicated to fighting the holy war that is necessary, and to bring about or cause the revolution needed to undermine and destroy the whole System.

Our future task, after the revolution, is to create the new society we need from the rubble of the old – to create a new type of individual, one Aryan in body and in soul; one who is genuinely free to live as an Aryan. 
 The reality is that we must become revolutionary fighters dedicated to undermining and overthrowing the System, as we must zealously take our message of freedom, our fight for justice and our vision of a new society among our fellow Aryans. The change we desire and need can only be brought about by the shedding of blood and the destruction of everything which is anti-Aryan. We must become pure in spirit, like the mighty warriors of our once great Aryan race – that is, we must become totally focused upon the task before us, never wavering and never giving up until we have achieved the goals of Aryan revolution, Aryan freedom and a new pure Aryan society dedicated to producing Aryans pure in race and pure in spirit."

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