segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Currently National Socialism word already has millions of people a symbolic value (...) In him, in that one word is included the synthesis of the great problems of our time is the essence of our movement: that of nationalism and socialism. Nationalism, uncluttered formal and economic contingencies; socialism, free from the aberration of internationalism in all its forms. We all firmly believe that in the future, when the word will be pronounced, the whole of our people liberation struggle will come to the minds of millions of people. We should use that name in a word, one term as much as possible without dividing it, as a whole.

For in the use of the concept of national socialism, instead of National Socialism, he could easily express the idea that socialism is the principal, and that the National is only an adjective explaining somehow main word. When in reality it is rather the opposite: the eternal, as we would maintain through all the changing forms, it is the people. Everything, absolutely everything, should help to strengthen racial basis guaranteeing the nation's growth. From this point of view, socialism appears as a political tool in the service of the individual and the community to protect the unity of the people of unbridled private greed. And this not to make an abstract idea called socialism, but to serve this as there are more concrete, the nation. That is why the word nation should be as a name linked to that of socialism, not written in small adjective.

We are therefore not, strictly speaking, national socialists, but the National Socialists."
-Alfred Rosenberg

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