"Apathy is the very foundation of modern democracy.
Democracy is founded upon a lie that teaches the citizenship that they fundamentally made the choice in who runs government not realizing they are manipulated into choices by a system that gives very few, or none.
The average citizen has many choices from the flavors of donuts to the variety on television or music, but the big choices that affect your life directly are very limited. Despite the variety of flavors and media, most of these 'choices' are also owned by large umbrella corporations. There is very little independent choice as all sources lead to the same few people who run most of the globe.
As time goes on, parties become more and more alike, politicians say one thing and do another, it all gets too much to keep track. Politicians feed on this apathy while the media distracts and misdirects. As Henry Ford once said, if the people understood how the financial system worked, there would be revolt by the morning.
Worst of all, the Democracy openly incentivizes lower standards, it creates more people dependent on the state so they keep voting for the party which gives them more handouts. Why bother working longer hours when they will tax you harshly? Why start a business when costs and start up are too high? Why bother to work hard when you can claim off the state? Universal suffrage is a terrible system and inevitably leads to crisis due to the growing power of manipulative individuals who gain from attaining power through cheap promises."
-The Third Position
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