sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The utter naivety of patriotards who want a war with the Muslims, but not the other invaders (especially the invaders who brought the Muslims here). Who benefits from European peoples being at war with Islamic peoples? A rhetorical question but it certainly isn't us. 
I don't want Muslims here either - I know they have world domination on the mind. But without the help of another group that have world domination on the mind (the Jew), the Muslims are unable to achieve their goal - however, the Jew has almost achieved their goal, mostly due to them constantly playing non-Jews against one another.
Patriotards refer to how many Muslims are in Parliament and other positions of power; truth is, they're represented pretty proportionally - the Jew is over-represented a massive amount when it comes to holding positions of power.
The only war we should be wanting to fight is the war to remove ALL of the invaders at home, not a war exclusively against Muslims, both at home and abroad."

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