quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"But how many differences of gentle totalitarianism of Western Europe, from ugly Soviet Eastern Europe? Is that the lie that feeds its citizens is accentuated primarily on violent repression. In the west the lying is much nicer. There is a system plays with people preferring not to brutal methods, but more gentle methods. People's are hypnotizing by bright shop windows, representative images, fragmentary shapes. The Western system creates the appearance of spontaneity and freedom of choice, she seduces a lot more than intimidates. It envelops as warm, but incredibly heavy blanket from under which it is practically impossible to get out, but too easy to sleep a perpetual sleep, and never thought, what is it - a real life?

After all, much nicer to be obedient in exchange for the carrot rather than the whip. But this choice radically does not change the situation. Food would be a bit tastier, more naked girls on TV, and in particularly severe cases, they will be not ashamed of their sexual orientation. But that "freedom" is most natural slavery. The cult of consumption, the shift of national identity in favor of multiculturalism, the lack of traditional family values and absolute nihilism - is the path to human degradation. That person is can't be longer a man. he can't able to exploit creativity and spiritual growth. He loses the main feature of the Aryan Man, by which our ancestors discovered new lands, conquer less developed nations and created ingenious inventions."

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