"National Socialism and Cultural Renewal
Another most positive contribution of the National Socialist régime to the renaissance of Germany — and of Europe — lies in its effort to cleanse the press, as well as all forms of art and literature, and to build a new healthy and beautiful culture upon the ruins of the decadent, pseudo-culture of the capitalistic world; its effort to raise the moral as well as intellectual and aesthetic standard of the adults, no less than of the young men and women. No aspect of National Socialist rule (save, perhaps, our struggle against Jewry) has been more bitterly and more foolishly criticised, not only by our deadly opponents but by "public opinion" in the world at large. And yet that stubborn fight for truth, and for the triumph of whatever is the healthiest and the best in the Aryan race, is something of which every Nazi can be proud.
Without a thorough purging of the press, no renaissance would have been possible after 1933 — no renaissance ever will be possible. For, so long as the journalist writes just to get paid — regardless by whom, and on behalf of whom, and for what ulterior purpose — and not because he feels the urge to enlighten or uplift his readers, then, I say, the "clever" ones, of whatever race or creed, who are in control of the money will remain, also, in control of people's minds and, to the extent the "masses" have a say in national and international affairs, in control of the destiny of nations. For the reading masses are foolish — pre-eminently gullible — and the knowledge of the conventional symbolism of script has never made them less so. On the contrary, it has given them the dangerous illusion of free thought while enslaving them to the written word more than they ever had been to any tangible power. No one has pointed out more brilliantly — and sarcastically - than our Führer the evil influence of that self-styled "intellectual" or "enlightened" press, controlled by Jewish money."
Another most positive contribution of the National Socialist régime to the renaissance of Germany — and of Europe — lies in its effort to cleanse the press, as well as all forms of art and literature, and to build a new healthy and beautiful culture upon the ruins of the decadent, pseudo-culture of the capitalistic world; its effort to raise the moral as well as intellectual and aesthetic standard of the adults, no less than of the young men and women. No aspect of National Socialist rule (save, perhaps, our struggle against Jewry) has been more bitterly and more foolishly criticised, not only by our deadly opponents but by "public opinion" in the world at large. And yet that stubborn fight for truth, and for the triumph of whatever is the healthiest and the best in the Aryan race, is something of which every Nazi can be proud.
Without a thorough purging of the press, no renaissance would have been possible after 1933 — no renaissance ever will be possible. For, so long as the journalist writes just to get paid — regardless by whom, and on behalf of whom, and for what ulterior purpose — and not because he feels the urge to enlighten or uplift his readers, then, I say, the "clever" ones, of whatever race or creed, who are in control of the money will remain, also, in control of people's minds and, to the extent the "masses" have a say in national and international affairs, in control of the destiny of nations. For the reading masses are foolish — pre-eminently gullible — and the knowledge of the conventional symbolism of script has never made them less so. On the contrary, it has given them the dangerous illusion of free thought while enslaving them to the written word more than they ever had been to any tangible power. No one has pointed out more brilliantly — and sarcastically - than our Führer the evil influence of that self-styled "intellectual" or "enlightened" press, controlled by Jewish money."
-Savitri Devi
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