quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Loan capital brings in money without work, brings it in through interest. I repeat: without lifting a finger the capitalist increases his wealth by lending his money. It grows by itself. No matter how lazy one is, if one has money enough and lends it out at interest, one can live high and one’s children don’t need to work either, or one’s grandchildren, or one’s great-great grandchildren, and so on to eternity! How unjust this is, how shameless – doesn’t everyone feel it?
To infinity it grows, this loan capital . . .
But who provides them [the House of Rothschild] and their like with such an enormous amount of money? Interest has to come from somewhere after all, somewhere these billions and more billions have to be produced by hard labor! Who does this? You do it, nobody but you! That’s right, it is your money, hard earned through care and sorrow, which is as if magnetically drawn into the coffers of these insatiable people."
- Deitrich Eckart and Gottfried Feder, “To all Working People", Munich, April 5, 1919
It was after listening to a lecture given by Feder to the political representatives of the army that Adolf Hitler said:"Right after listening to Feder's first lecture, the thought ran through my head that I had now found the way to one of the most essential premises for the foundation of a new party" (quoted by J. Toland, "Adolf Hitler", 1970).
Photograph: a disabled German war veteran reduced to begging, Berlin, 1923.

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