"Muhamed's comment while raping twelve-year-old Ida: "Black dick is expensive" – gets away with 22 days of community service.
Last November a Somali immigrant brutally raped a 12-year-old girl in Sundsvall, Sweden. This Wednesday he was found guilty of child rape – but got away with a meagre 180 hours of community service. After Fria Tider reported on the case earlier this week it has stirred a public outcry, but the prosecutor said the verdict did not surprise her.
"There is nothing shocking or surprising," she told Fria Tider after the ruling was issued.
"There is nothing shocking or surprising," she told Fria Tider after the ruling was issued.
The ruling from the district court states that he repeatedly punched her in the face and held his hand over her mouth during the rape. According to the court he also kept repeating the words "black dick is expensive" over and over while raping the girl.
After the brutal rape, Ida, according to the court's findings, "bled profusely from her genitalia". She suffered "both physical and psychological" injuries as a result of the abuse."
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