sábado, 11 de julho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"In modern world exists very pernicious prejudice that democratic regime is the highest form of socio-political evolution. In developed countries, people are tended to say that democracy is not ideal but better form of governance has not been invented yet. Main followers of such attitude say that democratic regime eliminates any form of tyranny, provides citizens with personal freedom, and puts in order functioning of state structures because they are controlled by society.

In words, we can idealize democracy as long as we wish but real life shows us all the illusions and delusions of this form of government.Contemporary civilization has reached a capacity that allows humanity to see all the pros and cons of democracy. According to the concept of democracy, authorities should belong to the people who represent the interests of society in ruling bodies but in practice everything has been transformed into the mechanism of manipulation of public opinion.
In the Information Age, citizen does not have any freedom of choice in its classical understanding because he is imposed certain mindset and algorithm of thinking. Today, very small part of the population can think outside the box. In such social conditions, it is the absurd to believe in ideals of democracy.

There are other different negative aspects that exist in democratic society. Absolutization of private opinion corrupts citizens and makes them capricious and irresponsible. Because if power belongs to majority it means that no one is responsible for something but in the same time everyone wants to be the center of decision-making process.
This model of political rule forces government to conduct the policy people like but not the policy which is the wisest and the most effective. In this case, people elect the person who is not competent and smart but the candidate who has good persuasion skills.

That is why democratic states are always weak, amorphous, and unprincipled. In this society consolidation of spirit is impossible because voting majority does not need any accomplishments. Democratic political system provides society with material wealth and life benefits but state that lives according to these principles remains weak to any external aggression and does not have immunity to internal clashes.

High levels of governance need the rule of few people, elitist groups, and concentration of authority in hands of one leader of a nation."
-Aryan Reconquista

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