terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The police state controls the guns, and they use the guns to control you.
Gun control advocates are, in effect, advocating a police state.
I think we should start calling them out on it. I think we should start referring to them as “Police State Advocates,” because a police state is essentially what they are asking for.
Americans today are distracted by superficial ideas about what freedom means. To many, “freedom” means legalizing marijuana and same-sex marriage. None of those “freedoms” threaten the police state.
By all means—our handlers must snicker—get stoned and marry your gay boyfriend if that makes you feel “free.” Just don’t stand up to our ever-expanding and intrusive authority, or threaten our financial interests. Give us your guns, and never say ENOUGH in any way that matters.
It’s for the best, you see. We don’t want you to hurt yourselves, or each other."
-Jack Donovan

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