"A zombie never seeks to devour one of its own kind, rather it always seeks out the warm blood of the living.
Likewise, a zombie is always a member of a herd made up of other countless shambling walking corpses that seek to devour the flesh of the living. The rotting, putrid flesh of its fellows doesn't interest it in the slightest, but once it gets a whiff of the scent of living flesh, its mind, eager at the thought of sinking its teeth into the warm lifeblood of the living, sends it into a frenzy and will pursue it for countless miles, even after forgetting what and whom it was pursuing in the first place.
You see, zombies don't need a reason to attack the living, they act solely by instinct; they are compelled by their nature to seek and devour those who are not like it, that is to say dead, and gorge itself on the viscous fluids which animate its prey.
A zombie is also devoid of any kind of individuality, as it is only one member of a horde; a spiritual dead collective. The hallmark of the living is that they possess individuality and this trait separates them from the walking dead.
We in the twenty-first century are the few survivors attempting to eek out an existence in a world that belongs to the living dead."
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