"Break down the thralldom of interest is our war cry. What do we mean by thralldom of interest? The landowner is under this thralldom, who has to raise loans to finance his farming operations, loans at such high interest as almost to eat up the results of his labour, or who is forced to make debts and to drag the mortgages after him like so much lead.
So is the worker, producing in shops and factories for a pittance, whilst the shareholder draws dividends and bonuses which he has not worked for.
So is the earning usury class, whose work goes almost entirely to pay the interest on bank overdrafts.
Thralldom of interest is the real expression for the antagonisms, labour versus capital, blood versus money, creative work versus exploitation.
The necessity of breaking this thralldom is of such vast importance for our nation and our race, that on it alone depends our nation's hope of recovering happiness, prosperity and civilization throughout the world. It is the pivot on which everything turns; it is far more than mere necessity of financial policy. Whilst its principles and consequences bite deep into political and economic life, it is a leading question for economic study, and thus affects every single individual and demands a decision from each one: Service to the nation or unlimited private enrichment. It means a solution of the social question.
Our financial principle: Finance shall exist for the benefit of the state; the financial magnates shall not form a state within the state. Hence our aim to break the thralldom of interest."
-Gottfried Feder
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