"English is now a foreign language in London, says Terence Stamp
As the dashing star of films such as Billy Budd and Far From The Madding Crowd, Terence Stamp was the symbol of ‘Swinging London’ in the Sixties, but says he now feels like an alien in his own country.
‘It’s very sad how few English people there are in London now,’ he tells me at a party in Mayfair, where he lamented what he seems to see as a lack of integration among some immigrants.
‘When I grew up in East London everyone seemed to speak English, and now you can barely get by speaking our own language.’
‘I don’t live in the East any more, but I absolutely love mangoes and so occasionally I go back there to buy these wonderful Alphonso mangoes from the market on Green Street.
'I’m lucky if I can buy one now at all because no one speaks English.
‘It’s changed so much in such a short space of time, that God knows what London will be like in another decade or so.’"
Notas pessoais:
Mais um famoso "moderado" a dizer o óbvio...
Os Ingleses nativos estão a ser alvo de genocídio na sua(ou dos rothschilds?) própria terra.
Isto faz cada vez mais lembrar o conto do "O rei vai nu."
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